Saturday, July 2, 2011

Being productive

Wow, we've been having some busy days, and evenings. It seems Spring cleaning is in the air, only it's Winter...and how cold has it been?!?! Yeah, pretty damn cold! We got ourselves a dehumidifier last weekend and it's been on 24/7. Not sure why we didn't get one sooner - they are fabulous inventions.

Jef re-built his workbench in the laundry so that it is smaller and doesn't hang over the sink. He has been a busy bee and back into his projects something fierce. Every night he is in there (and it's the smallest room in this place) tinkering away. It would seem Kien is following in his daddy's footsteps as he too loves being in that room.

PhotobucketPhotobucketKien's dexterity is shining through these days with his control over tools.

Teeth brushing - it doesn't happen every day, but it does happen. And it is generally Jef that will give them a good scrub because Kien allows it. For me? 5 seconds for each set, and usually in the bath. He likes to eat the toothpaste, so I can get some mileage by smearing more paste onto the brush.


Last Tuesday afternoon/early evening Kien and I went to our coffee group's kid's dinner.


While Kien snacked on crackers, corn chips, pizza base, carrot sticks, chicken ravioli and jelly with diced fruit the adults drank mulled wine (which I made and was gulped down by all) and overindulged on a giant cheese platter. It was fabulous, and both Kien and I enjoyed ourselves immensely.


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