It seems we've been on the go go go since the start of this year. It's great being busy and having fun, but also very exhausting. I've finally sat down and processed our photos from a couple of weekends ago when we took off to Motuihe Island on the boat. I love taking the boat out at any opportunity. It makes me feel like we live a wild and adventurous life - out of the ordinary, a little bit different. This is why we've spent every Friday night sleeping on the boat since we've brought it to Westhaven marina - because we can.
I am getting better at manoeuvring the boat and keeping it on course. I am looking forward to doing my sailing course.
We anchored Saturday evening at Waihaorangatahi Bay.
Kien wanted to try his hand at catching something, so we threw the bait catcher overboard. Nothing caught, but the anticipation on his little face and the excitement was pretty cool none the less.
We watched the beautiful sunset with the backdrop of Auckland city in the distance. I am so grateful we have this opportunity to witness such spectacular sunsets.
The following morning the ducks decided to drop by for some breakfast, much to Kien's delight. Luckily we had lots of bread for him to throw to them.
I had a fantastic swim before we got into our dingy and went ashore.
This is the first time I've actually been for a wander around Motuihe.
We walked over to the other side of the island to Takutairaroa Bay - it was a beautiful sandy beach, and we found ourselves all alone. It was wonderful.

I love having the beach all to ourselves - free to run around and do whatever we please on what feels like our own private island.
Happy to share with these guys though.
Then we crossed back over the island to the bay where all the boats are anchored. It was a popular spot.

It was a fabulous sail back home. We had the wind behind us, and were able to relax and take it easy with just the headsail.

I love this view - the sprawling city ahead, and Bean Rock to avoid.
We are hoping to take the boat out tomorrow night. Fingers crossed for low winds!
Good to see the skipper and crew enjoying their new yacht.
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