Wednesday, October 2, 2013

An outing to the Auckland City Fire Station

It's the busiest fire station in the country, and I'm pretty sure houses the friendliest bunch of firemen in the world!

Yesterday morning Kien and I were invited to join a small walking group from daycare - destination => Pitt Street Fire Station (the address is officially 2 Poynton Terrace, but it's actually right on Pitt St). We walked up Wellington St, the most strenuous part of entire walk. Good thing it was at the beginning of our journey.

We got to the station and the kids were ecstatic. Ok, they may look a bit subdued, but believe me, they were really excited.

So we didn't actually have an appointment. Rachel did call them, but she couldn't get through, or something happened, but anyway, we weren't even sure we would be able to get in.

But then, hooray! The kind firemen opened the door and let us in, and all the kids were able to hop into the fire engine. Happiness all around.

It was really nice of the firemen to show such enthusiasm toward a bunch of kids gate crashing their morning tea break.

High fives all around, and a goodie bag of stickers and frisbees - what more could we ask for from our heroes in the fire service?

We stopped to give the kids a quick snack before heading back to the centre.

Kien and I got home and had lunch. He wanted to watch some Peppa Pig on the iPhone, and next minute...

Yes, the sign of a satisfying outing!


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