Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Our afternoon stroll

We are usually out of the house early and gone all morning; going to swimming lessons, stopping at parks and playgrounds, going to the library, walking around the city, occasionally meeting up with Jef for lunch (which we did today) - so by the time we get back home it is normally around 1:30 - 2pm and both Kien and I want to kick back and relax for a bit. We had planned on catching a bus to the Auckland Domain later in the afternoon, so I let him play with the iPad while I did some laundry. I've got a tonne of housework to catch up on, so after about an hour or so when I asked him if he wanted to go do what we had planned, and he said he wanted to stay at home, well I was glad I didn't need to rush out of the house again. Come 4:30pm however, and Kien was begging to go to the museum. By this time it was too late as they close pretty much on the dot at 5pm (I know this because we are always the people they are shooing out at that time). So he sat on the couch begging and crying for me to take him to the museum "for just a little bit, please Mummy, please please take me for just a little bit" - it was pitiful. Okay, time to put our walking shoes back on and lets go up to Ponsonby Rd to look at the flower stalls, I enticed. His face lit up. "Can I buy a flower for you and Daddy?" he asked. If you are very lucky I might have some money in my wallet for you, I told him. So off we went.

Our stroll to Ponsonby Rd consisted of:

=> Finding fishing rod sticks

=> Rolling around in leaves

=> Only walking where the leaves are

=> Befriending a pussy cat

=> Playing Rolly Polly

=> Oh look, the cat has followed us

=> More Rolly Polly

=> Running and kicking leaves

=> Proudly purchasing our favourite flower

=> Waiting

=> The finding of a love heart shaped leaf

=> And last but not least, skipping.

Skipping from Lien on Vimeo.

This was an unexpectedly pleasant afternoon stroll, and for us to get out and enjoy the very beautiful but extremely crisp autumn air.


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