Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hanging at the hangars

What is it about giant hangers, tarmac, and the smell of jet fuel waffling through the air that makes me feel all giddy and excited? Could it be the giant aircrafts, turbines and engines that lurk around? C'est oui!

We had a splendid afternoon hanging out at the airport.

They had a stage set up in one of the hangers and had invited a number of "bands" and "acts". A lot of the acts consisted of kids from the Air New Zealand school of rock. The kids performed in bands and played a variety of music - mainly rock 'n roll. It really made me smile watching 10 year old children playing guitar, drums, base and rocking out "best of you" by Foo Fighters. Kien enjoyed the music too. He was bopping his head and bouncing around as he normally does when he hears music.

He got hold of the single serve biscuit packet they were giving out at the entrance, and was very determined to rip the covering and get to the contents.

No, my sweet boy - it will make you ill and your Epipen is at daycare.

There was a charter DC-3 available or a scenic flight around the city.

Nostalgia with the flight of the DC-3

There was also a police helicopter brought in especially for people to climb into and take pictures of. We were such folk.

And Kien skipped around the tarmac without a care in the world.


Michelle MacWhirter said...

Lovely pictures, and oh my goodness, that top you are wearing is stunning! Wow!

Lien H said...

Thanks, op shop for $6 - most of my clothes are purchased from hospices or the like.


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